
BL2400型( 瓦楞纸箱)全自动钉箱机

  • 公司名称东光县正奇包装机械厂
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  • 更新时间2023/5/30 12:50:15
  • 访问次数219

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东光县正奇包装机械厂始建于1984年,是一家 从事自动水墨印刷开槽成型机系列,瓦楞纸板生产线,水墨印刷机开槽机,单面纸板生产线,龙门堆码机,免版模切成型机,单(双)刀式全自动高速碰线机,自动型薄刀机,半自动钉箱机,全自动粘箱机,圆压圆软滚筒模切机,薄刀分切压痕机,半自动覆面机,配套单机系列,纸箱包装机器等全套纸箱机械设备的 公司。地处首都北京以南,济南以北,水陆交通便利,是一家具有相当规模的生产纸箱机械、印刷机械的 企业。产品远销俄罗斯、中东、非洲、东南亚等 和地区。产品质量和企业信誉深得用户的广泛好评。我们始终坚守“重质量,讲信誉”的经营宗旨;秉乘“开拓进取,求实创新,严抓管理,精益求精”的企业精神,确立“以人为本”的经营思想和“”的经营策略。公司以振兴我国纸箱行业为己任,竭诚与广大用户合作,我们将以不断提高的产品质量和 完善的售后服务满足用户需求。我们愿与广大客户携手奋进,共创辉煌!
BL2400型( 瓦楞纸箱)全自动钉箱机具有比较优越的性能,单钉、双钉和加强钉可一次性完成。
BL2400型( 瓦楞纸箱)全自动钉箱机 产品信息

BL2400型( 瓦楞纸箱)全自动钉箱机具有比较优越的性能,单钉、双钉和加强钉可一次性完成。机器可订1515×2460mm和300×606mm大小规格的纸箱,钉距在30-70mm范围内任意调节,扁丝宽度为2.0mm,厚度0.65mm—0.75mm之间,可订3—5层瓦楞纸板,以适合不同产品对钉箱质量的要求。该机器具有操作调整方便之特点,几乎一分钟就可以实现钉箱规格的转换。

全自动钉箱机与半自动钉箱机所不同的是:其瓦楞纸板是自动送进的,由送纸机构把纸板折叠并送入钉箱部位进行钉箱,可   大地减轻操作时的劳动强度。而半自动钉箱机是由人工将纸板折叠并送进机头钉箱的,操作劳动强度相对比较大。半自动钉箱机一般是卧式结构,分为单片式和双片式钉箱机两种类型,其中,单片钉箱机只能限于订单片成型的纸箱,而双片式钉箱机结构上比较复杂,其功能比较,既能够订单片纸箱又可以订两片成型的纸箱。

BL2400 type (corrugated box) automatic nail box machine has a superior performance, single nail, double nails and strengthen the nail can be completed in one time. Machine set of 1515 x 2460mm and 300 x 606mm size carton, nail spacing adjusted within the range of 30-70mm. The width of the tape is 2.0mm, between 0.65 mm thickness 0.75mm, can be booked 3 - 5 layers of corrugated cardboard, to suit different products of the nail box quality requirements. The machine has the features of easy operation and adjustment, and can quickly realize the conversion of the nail box specifications in a minute.

The difference between the automatic nail box machine and the semi-automatic nail box machine is that the corrugated board is automatically sent to the box, which is folded and sent to the nail box by the paper feeding mechanism, which can greatly reduce the labor intensity of the operation. And the semi-automatic nail box machine is made by artificial folding cardboard and sent to the nose nail box, operating labor intensity is relatively large. Semi automatic nail box machine is generally horizontal structure, divided into single and double plate nail box machine two types, in which the single nail box machine can only be limited to the order sheet molding of the carton, and double nail box machine structure is more complex, its function is relatively complete, both the order sheet can be set to order two pieces of cardboard boxes.


1、钉箱机是瓦楞纸板后一道成型的设备,通过技术   新,设计成高速联杆式,磨损的底模,是纸箱,纸盒厂家   的纸箱设备。


3、纸箱打包机系列机型   ,结构紧凑合理,实用美观,耗用功率小,工作。

The advantages of nail box machine:

1, nail box machine is the last of the corrugated cardboard molding of special equipment, through technical updates, designed to be high-speed link type, never wear the bottom die, is a carton, carton manufacturers indispensable special carton equipment.

2, nail box machine on the basis of the original box machine to improve a lot, most of the head parts using alloy material, improve the wear resistance, reduce maintenance costs, speed per minute /280 order, is a relatively fast speed of the domestic product.

3, carton packing machine series advanced, compact and reasonable structure, beautiful and practical, small power consumption, high working efficiency.

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