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产品名称:UV塑胶油墨-塑胶UV油墨-UV油墨系列产品型号:产品价格:230.00 KG
UV塑胶油墨-塑胶UV油墨-UV油墨系列 产品信息

711系列PVC,PS,ABS,PC,PET-G,预处理的PET/PE/PP通用塑胶移印油墨 747系列是一支通用性的UV移印油墨。适用材料十分广泛,如各种软硬 PVC,PS, ABS, PC,PET-A/E/G/P,PMMA,预处理的PET / PE / PP,和各种涂层或面漆。 650系列可单/双组分使用。一般单组分使用於较难附着的聚烯烃类塑料如:预处理的PP/PE,三聚氰胺等。 630系列是一支高性能丝印油墨。附着力,耐磨性和抗性都有很好的表现。可应用於金属,阳极化处理合金,真空溅镀,UV面漆,喷涂,各硬化处理胶片,玻璃,陶瓷等,甚致於POM赛钢(印后燃烧法)。 750系列是一支高性能移印油墨。可应用於金属,阳极化处理合金,真空溅镀,UV面漆,喷涂,各硬化处理胶片,玻璃,陶瓷等,甚致於POM赛钢(印后燃烧法)。 适用材质: 747系列是一支通用性的UV移印油墨。适用材料十分广泛,如各种软硬 PVC,PS, ABS, PC,PET-A/E/G/P,PMMA,预处理的PET / PE / PP,和各种涂层或面漆。 特点: 1. 747系列同时具备了UV光固的快速性,和溶剂油墨的印刷性,又可双组份使用。 使用方法:稀释剂:300-017/01,添加比例为5–10% 快干剂:700-035,用於快速印刷时,添加比例为10–15% 硬化剂:700-GL,添加比例为5%以下,可增加附着力,耐磨性干燥方法:UV光固,(光固灯管,80W/cm, 光谱分布250-410nm,能量500 mj/cm2)适合开放式墨盘与密封式墨杯系统。钢质印版的蚀刻深度:30μM 移印胶头:所有材质、形状与硬度都适合。胶头清洗:印前除油,印程中风干胶头,用胶纸清洁残墨,印刷效果会更理想。耐候:户内
    711series of PVC, PS, ABS, PC, PET-G, pretreatment with PET / PE / PP general plastic printing ink 747series is a generic UV printing ink. Application of material is very extensive, such as all kinds of hard and soft PVC, PS, ABS, PC, PET-A / E / G / P, PMMA, pretreatment with PET / PE / PP, and a variety of coating or topcoat. 650series of single / double fractions using. General single component used in difficult attachment of polyolefin plastics such as: pretreatment with PP / PE, melamine. The 630 series is a high performance of silk screen printing ink. Adhesion, abrasion resistance and resistance are a very good performance. Can be applied to metal, anodizing process of aluminium alloy, vacuum sputtering, UV paint, spraying, the hardening film, glass, ceramics, even for POM steel ( India combustion method). The 750 series is a high performance of printing ink. Can be applied to metal, anodizing process of aluminium alloy, vacuum sputtering, UV paint, spraying, the hardening film, glass, ceramics, even for POM steel ( India combustion method). Applicable materials:747 series is a generic UV printing ink. Application of material is very extensive, such as all kinds of hard and soft PVC, PS, ABS, PC, PET-A / E / G / P, PMMA, pretreatment with PET / PE / PP, and a variety of coating or topcoat. Features: 1.747series at the same time with the UV light solid is fast, and the solvent ink printing, and two-component use. Method of use: thinner:300-017 / 01, add the proportion of 5- 10% quick-drying agent:700-035, for fast printing, add the proportion of 10- 15% sclerosing agent:700-GL, add ratio below 5%, can increase the adhesion, abrasion resistance and drying method: UV light solid, ( light solid tube,80W / cm spectral distribution of energy,250-410nm,500 MJ / cm2) for open tray with a sealed ink cup system. Steel plate etching depth:30 u M printing plastic head: all materials, shape and hardness are suitable for. Plastic head cleaning: prepress printing process of removing oil, dry plastic head, using adhesive tape clean residual ink, printing effect will be better. Weathering: Indoor

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