
ColorChecker SG色卡

  • 公司名称深圳市华泰科仪器有限公司
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  • 更新时间2023/7/30 9:44:21
  • 访问次数162

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新泰科仪器(香港)有限公司专业开发、生产和销售纺织、印染、五金、服装、鞋业、皮革、化工、塑料、玩具等行业品质检测仪器于一体,依赖专业的电子商务平台及国际市场的专业科学仪器公司。新泰科仪器坚持以科技兴行的发展战略,立足于市场和客户需求,我们不断以结合我们专业的技术和敏锐的市场洞察力以及的生产研发能力,开发研制了能够代替进口同类产品的标准光源箱(对色灯箱)、放大镜、检针器(验针机)等。新泰科仪器自90年代末期就从国外进口标准光源产品,为国内客户提供*的国外颜色检测设备。经过多年的研究开发,研制出多种型号标准光源对色灯箱产品,产品品质和国外进口对色灯箱毫无差异,全部采用Verivide/GE/Philips/GretagMacbeth等对色灯管,通过国际CE检测认证。国际国内检测机构和企业品质部门广泛使用INTEKE品牌对色灯箱。新泰科仪器秉承"全心全意为客户服务"的宗旨,精益求精的工作理念,专业的技术及优质的服务,始终把用户的利益放在,从而赢得了广大客户的信赖!新泰科仪器作为科学仪器仪表行业的者,始终以"诚信、专业、客户至上"作为创业与发展之本。您的关注与信任是推动我们前进的源泉与动力!我们将以更丰富的产品,更优质的服务来回报您的支持与厚爱!新泰科仪器产品香港、中国台湾、澳大利亚、美国、英国、德国、加拿大、新加坡、越南、马来西来等国家和地区,是国际检测机构之品牌。新泰科仪器优势产品:  INTEKE标准光源对色灯箱、美国GretagMacbeth对色灯箱、英国VeriVide对色灯箱,对色灯管,特殊光源,美国爱色丽测色仪,日本美能达测色仪和色差计,国产色差计,美国PANTONE色卡,日本DIC色卡,德国RAL色卡,24色卡ColorCheck,ISO和AATCC灰卡,ISO12233分辩率测试卡,检针机,安检门,布料样板裁切机,PH计水质分析仪,取样刀,电子天平,比重天平,密度计,测厚仪,测厚规,光泽度仪,亮度计,硬度计,色温表,布料水压测式仪,,温湿度计,超声波测距仪,测振仪,色牢度摩擦仪,RCA耐磨耗试验机,百格刀,染色小样机,显微放大镜,织物密度镜,风速计,噪音计,验布机,扫毛机,吸线头机,粘合机,扭力计,张力计,推拉力计,粘度计…
ColorChecker SG色卡 产品信息
ColorChecker SG色卡
ColorChecker SG色卡 技术参数
Digital ColorChecker SG 是一个特别为数码影像行业设计的非常适合此行业的亚光颜色测量色板。它包含140个颜色块。使用者能用它测量和还原数码复制品的真实色彩场景、为数码相机和扫描仪制作白平衡、用此表和创建特性文件的软件相结合还能创建您数码相机的ICC特性文件。

The new Digital ColorChecker Semi Gloss (SG) is specifically designed to meet the needs of digital photography. Check and compare the digital reproduction of a real scene or a test pattern, make a white balance with a digital camera, or use the chart with camera profiling software to create an ICC profile of your camera.

Application: Obtain the most accurate digital camera profiles

Size: 8.5 x 11 in. (21.59 x 27.94 cm)

Number of Colors: 140

Description of Colors: Includes 24 patches from original ColorChecker, 17 step gray scale and 14 unique skin tone colors

Depending on use, it is recommended that you replace your ColorChecker chart every two years to ensure correct color identification.

Designed to mirror all the colors you can see

>    140 patches chosen specifically for their location in color space expand the color gamut and allow you to create profiles that capture the full capabilities of your digital camera and scanner.

>    Includes standard ColorChecker chart colors. Many of these squares represent natural objects of special interest, such as human skin, foliage and blue sky. These squares are not only the same color as their counterparts, but also reflect light the same way in all parts of the visible spectrum.

>    More skin-tone reference colors deliver greater accuracy and consistency over a wide variety of skin tones.

>    Gray scale steps provide accurate control of camera balance and maintain a neutral aspect regardless of light source.

>    Sturdy, standardized target size of 8.5 x 11 inches (21.6 x 27.9 cm) easily fits into a full frame shot.

Quality you can >

The Digital ColorChecker SG chart includes the highest quality color reference standards available. GretagMacbeth and the Munsell Color Laboratory manufacture products in conformance to the accreditation practices and procedures set forth by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). All production instrumentation and equipment is traceable to NIST. The GretagMacbeth Munsell Color laboratory is an internationally recognized laboratory holding accreditations from ISO 9001 and ISO 2000.

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