

  • 公司名称武汉谨烨石化设备有限公司
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  • 更新时间2023/8/28 13:17:50
  • 访问次数109

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武汉谨烨石化设备有限公司是从事一家专业石化储运设备和管道特殊件的研发、生产和经营的技术生产型企业。生产基地位于武汉经济技术开发区,紧邻京珠高速,交通十分便捷。公司创立于本世纪的第二十二个年头,国家励精图治三年而国运日盛,公司也走出蹒跚之年进入快速成长期。沐浴盛世春风公司完成了破茧化蝶的蜕变,几年来稳步发展,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。 公司始终把技术创新作为生存之本和发展动力,在创立之初就瞄准了该领域的技术制高点,在积极引进国际前沿技术的同时坚持再创新。公司拥有一支专业化、高素质的技术团队,其成员或有长期在大型重化工企业的从业经验或有搞层次的教育背景,而且聘请国内外本领域的重点高校和科研院所的专家教授担任技术顾问,形成了得天独厚的技术人才优势。公司拥有现代化的生产线和*配套的制造设备,并与多家生产企业建立了密切的协作关系。公司每年投入新产品开发的资金在总营业额的比例也逐年增长。2008年公司通过ISO9001:2000标准质量管理体系认证。目前,公司先后开发的产品已达三大系列近30个种类,能够为客户提供包括设计研发、生产制造、安装调试及售后服务在内的全程服务。 公司高度重视营销工作。坚持“客户”的方针,贯彻“服务高于一切”的经营准则,全力进行市场拓展。公司拥有一支经验丰富、精通业务、精干高效的销售队伍,形成了以项目为重点分区域开发和以行业为目标的事业部制相结合的营销模式。产品广泛应用于包括国家重点项目在内的石油、化工、电力、冶金、船舶、机械制造等行业。使用客户和应用项目200余家,覆盖了华北、东北、西北、西南、华中等广大地区。 公司同时注重打造企业软实力,坚持贯彻以人为本的管理原则,大力加强企业文化建设。开展了企业内训和外训提高员工素质、培育企业文化增强凝聚力和向心力、从合理化建议入手发挥员工积极性和创造性、加强企业形象建设提高企业度和美誉度等系列活动,企业素质和经营管理水平得到了全面提升。 经过我们的不懈努力,公司得到了业界和社会的普遍认可,相继获得了武汉市科技企业、企业和优秀企业称号。当前化浪潮和国家产业结构调整的战略机遇期,为我们在资源和环境领域提供了更加广阔的用武之地,我们正以新的姿态、满怀信心地向更高的目标迈进。
阻火器描述 产品信息


Pipeline Fire safety devices applicable to the petrochemical, chemical industry, light industry and other industries combustible gas transportation process. I plant manufacturing Pipeline Fire is made after a rigorous the flame arrester theory design and precision processing machinery and equipment dedicated. Resistance deflagration and resistance detonation two categories can be divided according to fire resistance and fire retardant grade.

结构设计 Structural Design


Products offered by the two parts of the core member and the housing, the core member is a core, ultra-thin stainless steel band composed of two layers, one being pressed into a wave-N-shaped, the other it is a flat strip tightly entwined around the center. Numerous end face so as to constitute a small triangle straight through the flow channel, and the core pieces of the internal structure of a cross bracket (or in the surface pressure on the Y-shaped frame) so as to enhance the robustness of the core parts, to avoid the media are core pieces are lit the explosion generated pressure to break up. Media through the narrow channel from the triangle, the flame arrester is precisely to prevent the spread of flame in the pipeline through which the principle of the "wall effect" Rain of Fire wall collision energy conversion, lower the temperature. From this principle in the design of the height of the triangle hole to prevent the passage of flame. Flow channel length plus enough to absorb the heat of the flame to extinguish it in the core member, to avoid the possibility of the gas at the other end of the core member is recrudescence.

适用范围 Applicability


Pipeline transporting flammable gas flare systems, vapor recovery system, furnace fuel gas pipe-line, the gas purification the Tonghua system, coal mine gas drainage system and acetylene, hydrogen gas system.

阻火器类别 Flame Arrester Category


Overview: The flame arrester is installed in the petroleum, chemical industry, chemical fiber tank top with breathing valve, breathing manholes, vent supporting the use of security products. Its function is to allow gas through play to prevent the flame, the role of suffocation.


I plant the production of stainless steel flame arrestor "N"-shaped, double corrugated with flame arrester core pieces, shell material, depending on the storage medium, aluminum, carbon steel and various grades of stainless steel. Sinopec Beijing Design Institute structure, scientific and reasonable, attractive appearance. Products have repeatedly tested by the Ministry of Public Security, Tianjin Fire Science qualified and identified through scientific and technological achievements in [(99) the present,a court 02].

安装与维护 Installation And Maintenance


The Pipeline Fire and piping connections can be installed horizontally can also be mounted vertically. Periodic inspection, Once clogged, the application of high-pressure steam, compressed air, or organic solvent cleaning, such as the discovery of the core pieces of mechanical damage or corrosion medium, should be replaced immediately.

执行标准 Executive Standard





GB13347-92 "oil gas Pipeline Fire fire resistance and test methods" SH/T3413-99 "Petrochemical LPG Pipeline Fire, inspection and acceptance."

HG/T20570.19-95 "flame arrester settings."


Note: GZ-II the type resistance detonation type Pipeline Fire For media and different occasions, the structure size changes, general technical data provided by the user, first I plant design drawings, and then confirmed by the user, it is temporary dimensions.

阻火器阻火演示 Demonstration of flame arresters

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