

  • 公司名称北京锦坤科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号VIR9000系
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  • 厂商性质其他
  • 更新时间2024/2/27 7:38:32
  • 访问次数58

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北京锦坤科技有限公司是致力于向客户提供精密、准确、稳定、可靠的光电产品和解决方案,集设计、研发、生产、销售和服务于一体的企业。 公司主要生产射频光纤传输模块,RF over Fiber,微波光纤传输模块,光纤延迟线,Optical Delay Line,高速光开关,光学桥接器,optical hybrid,等产品,技术方案及产品针对微波信号处理、光信号处理以及光电设备在电信、广播、基础设施、航空和国防等方面的应用。服务行业和合作单位包括:研究及生产单位,光纤通信及广电行业,激光雷达及高等院校等,本公司可以根据用户的具体情况和需求制定完善的解决方案,研发出顾客的定制产品。 同时,便于顾客更多的选择,公司也已与多家国际杰出光电子产品制造商进行着密切的合作,并全权负责这些产品和方案在中国的市场开发、商务操作及售后服务,常年保持技术沟通与交流,积极为客户引入光电子产品。 公司由具备多年行业工作经验、熟悉行业应用、勇于**的专业技术团队,并配合行业内专家协会,积极开展并参加各种相关专业技术交流会、展会、咨询服务、培训、维护等活动。本公司秉承“服务为先,客户*上”的经营理念,“以人为本”的管理理念,坚持专业、周到、细致的服务,在实践中不断努力**,努力为客户提供上等的产品和服务。
The VIR-9000 Series(VIR9000系列傅里叶红外光谱仪) is a compact, lightweight, flexible FTIR system. The collimated entrance and exit ports make it an ideal instrument to connect to any configuration.
傅里叶红外光谱仪 产品信息
傅里叶红外光谱仪的特点:The VIR-9000 Series(VIR9000系列傅里叶红外光谱仪) is a compact, lightweight, flexible FTIR system. The collimated entrance and exit ports make it an ideal instrument to connect to any configuration.The standard instrument includes a hermetically sealed interferometer, DLATGS detector, high intensity source, and automatic alignment. Options can be added for increased sensitivity, optional spectral ranges including NIR, and battery operation. Accessories include the Smart-Tech, gas cells, microscopes, fiber optics, and open path analyzers. While incorporating a MPS sample compartment allows connection to any standard FTIR accessory. The system is designed to give high performance indoors or is equally suited for outdoors use as well.

The VIR-9450 is the most economical general-purpose instrument and interfaces to all accessories.

Measurement wavenumber range: 7000 to 400 cm-1
Max resolution: 4 cm-1
S/N ratio: 10,000:1

The VIR-9550 achieves a maximum resolution of 0.5cm-1 for a wide range of application on both solid and gaseous samples.

Measurement wavenumber range: 7000 to 400 cm-1
Max resolution: 0.5 cm-1
S/N ratio: 10,000:1

The VIR-9650 covers the NIR spectral range from 15,000 to 2,200 cm-1.

Measurement wavenumber range: 15000 to 2200 cm-1
Max resolution: 0.5 cm-1
S/N ratio: 10,000:1

Accessories and Multipurpose configurations

Fiber-coupled measurement system
Fiber-coupled accessories allow in-line monitoring in reaction vessel or manufacturing lines. Using NIR techniques allow remote sampling from long distances up to 50 meters. Fiber-coupled accessories enable the non-destructive analysis of components in industrial products such as food, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals. A variety of fiber-coupled accessories include ATR, transmission, diffuse reflection or reflection probes.

Gas measurement system
The short optical path of the VIR-9000 Series makes it resistant to the effects of interfering atmospheric gases such as water vapor and carbon dioxide. This enables analysis trace amounts of impurities used in high purity gases such as those used in the semiconductor manufacturing process.

Powder measurement system
The patented Smart Tech enables simple easy analysis of powders or solids. Unskilled operators can get excellent results with little or no sample preparation.

Multipurpose sample chamber
The MPS-9100 multipurpose sample chamber allows easy interfacing to standard FTIR accessories such as ATR, DR, RF, and others. Incorporating the MPS adds the benefits of accessory recognition and Quick-Start functions incorporated in other JASCO FT/IR's, these features aid in the ease of use expected in all JASCO FT/IR's.

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